Financial Aid FAQs

How can I tell if I received a Pell Grant?
Visit and log into your account and view your Aid Summary page

How do I accept my award letter?
To access your online award letter

  • Go to Self-Service
  • Log in with your username and password.
  • Click Financial Aid.
  • Use the dropdown menu to select the financial aid year
  • Click Review and accept your Financial Aid Award Package

Who is my loan servicer?
Your loan servicer is the company which handles billing for your loan, and to which you will repay your loans and establish a payment plan. Go to to find out your loan servicer. Once logged in, click Manage Loans, then View My Account, then finally under the Loan Breakdown section click View Loan Details.

How do I find out the total loan amount I have borrowed?
To view your federal borrowing history, go to Once logged in with your FSA ID, click Manage Loans, then View Account. On the borrowing history page, scroll to the Loan Breakdown section and click View Loan Details.

How do I qualify for scholarships if I am a new student?
• Your admission counselor will determine your eligibility when your admission credentials are reviewed for acceptance.

How do I renew my scholarships?
• Your scholarships will be renewed if you meet the renewal cumulative GPA required for the specific scholarship. Your cumulative GPA will only be reviewed at the end of spring semester of each year.

How do I reduce my financial aid award?
You can make adjustments to your financial aid award through Self-Service Financial Aid.

From there, access the My Awards menu item, where you can accept/decline your award and/or specific items within it, as well as make any adjustments as needed to reduce your award, which will be submitted for review by the Financial Aid team.

If you are needing to submit an adjustment for a Parent Loan or alternative loan you will need to complete the adjustment to aid form, which you can find linked on the Self-Service Financial Aid home page under Resources. Complete and send the form to the Solution Squad via email or fax to (314) 529-9925.

How do I start the financial aid process?
File your FAFSA at

  • When complete, Maryville University’s financial aid specialists will determine the type of funding you are eligible for and will notify you once your award letter has been created.
  • You will be notified via your Maryville email account.
  • FAFSA processing time may vary dependent on the time of year.

What are helpful financial aid websites?

How do I complete the financial aid process?
Choose accept or reject on your award letter. Viewing your award letter is not accepting your award letter.

If you are an undergraduate student and you are a first time federal loan borrower

  • You will need to complete the Master Promissory Note and Entrance Loan Counseling at

If you are a graduate student and a first time federal loan borrower

  • You will need to complete a Master Promissory Note and Entrance Loan counseling at
  • You must also complete Plus Loan Entrance Counseling if you are applying for a graduate plus loan at

If you are a graduate student, who has borrowed federal loans before, accepted your plus loan and has never applied for a graduate plus loan

  • You must complete a Plus Loan application and Plus Loan Entrance counseling at

If you are a first time Maryville University student and have borrowed federal loans while attending other universities or colleges

  • You will need to complete the Master of Promissory Note for Maryville University at

If you have already borrowed loans for your education at Maryville University

  • You have already completed a Master Promissory Note for Maryville University. If you continue to borrow loans for your education at Maryville University, your original Master Promissory note will be valid for 10 years.

For more information please refer to the steps required to complete you financial aid process listed in your award letter or contact the Solution Squad at 314-529-9360 or

How does the financial aid refund process work?
The financial aid refund process for each semester begins at the end of the second week, with funds being received by eligible students in the third and fourth weeks. Refunds are issued weekly thereafter.

How long does it take for the financial aid department to receive my Master Promissory Note and Entrance Counseling?
It takes at least 24 hours for the financial aid department to see that the student has completed the Master Promissory Note and Entrance Counseling.

What if I didn’t file taxes?
A non-tax filer form will need to be completed.

  • The student or parent can get the non-tax filer form from the IRS website at
  • Complete the non-tax filer form.
  • Send the form to the Solution Squad at or fax the form to (314) 529-9925.

Why didn’t you use my refund to cover my previous term balance?
Maryville University is required by law to only utilize financial aid funds in the semester the funds were awarded. Maryville University is not allowed to utilize those funds in any other term.

When will I receive my refund?
Refunds are processed after a course starts. Federal law prohibits Maryville University from taking funds from students until the student starts their class. Even though a student may have a refund indicated on their account, Maryville’s financial aid department still needs to make sure that the student’s financial aid will cover the student’s tuition fees. The process can take two weeks.

Why am I receiving two separate refunds in one semester?
Refunds are processed after a course starts. Federal law prohibits Maryville University from taking funds from students until the student starts their class. If a student has a refund for Fall A and Fall B classes, then the student will receive two separate refunds. The refund for Fall A will be dispersed about two weeks after Fall A classes start. The refund for Fall B will be dispersed about two weeks after Fall B classes start.

How does the One Fee affect my VA benefits?
The VA will cover the One Fee and will still issue a book stipend as long as the student does not opt out of the book coverage in the One Fee. In order for a VA student to get their books from Maryville University, they have to accept the One Fee. If a VA student opts out of the book coverage in the One Fee, then the VA will decrease the book stipend by $100 and they student will not be able to receive books from Maryville University.

How does my VA benefit refund get processed?
Credit balances for students using VA benefits must be first reviewed by the Solution Squad. Once reviewed, the Solution Squad will determine if the VA student refund will be given to the student or the VA.

What if my FAFSA application indicates that I need to verify my citizenship?
The student will need to present their verification of citizenship documents in person to the Solution Squad located the Visitor Center in Gander Hall. Naturalization papers with a photo ID or a passport is needed.

If a student is unable to provide the verification of citizen documents in person, then contact the Solution Squad at (314) 529-9360. They will provide you with the form that needs to be completed by the student then notarized. A copy of Naturalization papers and a photo ID must also be notarized. The notarized form and copies of Naturalization papers and photo ID should be mailed to the Solution Squad, Gander Hall, 650 Maryville University Drive, St. Louis, MO. 63141.